sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018


I think that to this day I don't know what I want to dedicate myself to. I'm finishing studying journalism, this is my last semester, but I'm not sure of exercising my career as it is, because never ended up convincing me. It is possible that in 2020 he will study pedagogy.

I can’t quite imagine what I will work on, but I would like in some office and that sometimes have field trips, because I don’t always like being cooped up.

If I could travel thanks to my work it would be wonderful, but it would be difficult for my daughter. Having a good salary sounds a lot better, because it would allow me to travel with my family and have a calmer life, being clear that money is not everything.

As I said before I’m studying journalism, I find myself doing my title memory and I would have my title in June of next year if everything goes well. How I didn’t always think about studying this, I don’t feel satisfied so I talked to my mom that I want to take pedagogy in 2020 and I will work in my area of ​​studies (communications) the next year at school of my commune, Peñaflor.

The above will allow me to enter more into the world of education and practice my current studies.

8 comentarios:

  1. First I give you my best wishes to your title memory! And you are not alone at all. I'm in fourth year and I feel the same way as you, journalism don't convince me yet. But it is very important the fact that you decided to study pedagogy in the future! The next generations NEEDS to know how to communicate. Good luck!

  2. I hope you can reach your "dream" of study pedagody, that way you can teach about communication to your students.

  3. i admire you for choosing pedagogy :) and love the idea of a claming life

  4. Like the comments of the other dudes, I really hope that you could make your goal and study Pedagogy :) It's a beautiful thing to do :)

  5. I really hope that you can fulfill yourself and make your dreams come true

  6. Pedagogy is a beautiful career, I hope you can succeed with your plans!

  7. Pedagogy is a very beautiful and important career. I hope everything goes well with your title memory and then you can study pedagogy. I wish you the best! <3

  8. with two career titles, you're gonna be a really professional person! the kids you'll teach to are going to be very fortunate people for having a teacher as knowledgeable as you <3
