sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2018


It’s nice to know that this is the last session of English, but it is more pleasant to feel that this year has been the most I have learned in this area.
This year I was able to travel to different places, which allowed me to get closer to English, I also took an English course outside the university to talk a little more and in the university I developed a little more writing.
What I learned in college is very useful for me to expand writing to English, also with the use of blogs you can talk more freely about different topics, making this language more friendly that for a long time I was afraid of.
Although I believe that the level of English in the university should be much higher, especially in the journalism career, since if we want to be good in our work we should handle the "universal language" in an excellent way.
My writing must continue to improve, also my security with what is English, sometimes underestimate my knowledge and I attach myself to the translator, when I know how to say it.
To improve all that, I think I'll continue to read more in English, perhaps aloud to remember the new words, also listen to more music and watch more movies in English, as well as talking to people I know and who speak this language.
Outside of classes I use English when I go to study the other place I go, besides when I have had to travel and ask about the basics. Also when it comes to reading texts that are not translated into Spanish.

I have really realized that it is very important to know English and keep learning.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with the English level at university being too low, maybe we should have English 5 like other careers.

  2. Like Almendra, I think too that the class of english in the university it not enough, I hope that in the future this change, and the others generations have more english lessons.
    see you!
